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"Our First Christmas" now available on ITunes
Our First Christmas from ALL THAT HE WAS - performed by the Gay Men's Chorus of Los Angeles


book and lyrics by Larry Todd Johnson

music by Jake Anthony

developed in association with New Musicals Inc in North Hollywood, CA

further developed at Cal State University Northridge under director Kari Hayter

Based on true stories from this century and the last, Now and Then a Hero celebrates ordinary folks who do extraordinarily heroic things. With a blend of story and song, the characters address some engrossing questions about this concept which has has been central to the American culture since the founding of our country. What is a hero? Can it be defined? Has the definition changed over time? And does everyone… no matter how ordinary he or she may appear… have the potential within for heroism?

Demo CD and script/score available.

Contact Larry Todd (Johnson) Cousineau LTCOUSINEAU@GMAIL.COM for more details.